Our colleagues and residents at Coops Foyer in Wigan got the chance to visit the famous Wigan based business, Uncle Joe's Mint Ball factory. 

The factory is a neighbouring building to our foyer in Wigan, so it was a great opportunity for residents to get out in the local community to learn more about the success of the company and to see how the business operates.

Not only did our residents and colleagues learn new information about the business, they got the chance to chat with the staff in the factory to educate them about the foyer and what we're about too! 

Aaron was a resident who attended the factory tour and said "I am grateful to have had this opportunity and thankful to the team at Uncles Joe’s for being so accommodating."

Danielle, our Learning & Support Officer at Coops Foyer commented "It was such a great opportunity to ‘see behind the curtain’. Uncle Joe’s is a staple within the Wigan community so we were all so excited."

If you're interested in learning more about the history of Uncle Joe's, you can find out more here.