Tsms Webpage

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

You can now read our first Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results, taking us from April 2023 to March 2024. The 22 TSMs are the new way in which social housing providers like us are being measured by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).  The tables below highlights both sections of the TSMs.

The first table covers the 12 TSMs known as Tenant Perception measures and are the results of your feedback, views and thoughts on our current service and provision. They will always start with the abbreviation TP (Tenant Perception). 

The second table covers the 10 that are known as Technical TSMs and these are the new way in which we, like all housing providers, measure ourselves against our own targets. You will notice that we haven't provided a previous year comparison as this is the first time we have shared these results. This will be the only year there is no comparison. They will always start with either NM (Neighbourhood Management), RP (Repairing Properties), BS (Building Safety), or CH (Complaints Handling).

Tenant Perception TSMs

Code Measure 2023 2024 Change
TP01 Overall Satisfaction 72% 74% UP
TP02 Satisfaction with repairs 66% 65% DOWN
TP03 Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repairs 61% 59% DOWN
TP04 Home is well maintained 73% 76% UP
TP05 Home is safe 79% 83% UP
TP06 We listen to your views and act upon 64% 71% UP
TP07 We keep you informed about things that matter to you 73% 80% UP
TP08 We treat you fairly and with respect 80% 86% UP
TP09 We approach complaints satisfactorily 32% 40% UP
TP10 We keep communal areas safe, clean and maintained 74% 78% UP
TP11 We make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood 65% 76% UP
TP12 We approach antisocial behaviour satisfactorily 65% 73% UP

Technical TSMs

Code Measure 2023 2024 Change
NM01 Number of ASB cases (per 1,000 homes) - 47.1 -
NM01 Number of ASB cases which involves hate (per 1,000 homes) - 1.19 -
RP01 How many homes do not meet Decent Homes Standard - 0% -
RP02 Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord's target timescale - 29.9% -
RP02 Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord's target timescale - 95.9% -
BS01 Gas safety checks - 100% -
BS02 Fire safety checks - 100% -
BS03 Asbestos safety checks - 100% -
BS04 Water safety checks - 100% -
BS05 Lift safety checks - 100% -
CH01 Complaints received based on landlord size (Stage one, per 1,000 homes) - 76 -
CH01 Complaints received based on landlord size (Stage two, per 1,000 homes) - 7 -
CH02 Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales (Stage one) - 86.4% -
CH02 Complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales (Stage two) -  86.4%  

overall customer satisfaction

We have seen a year-on-year increase in our overall customer satisfaction result, and we intend to keep this going! Thank you!


told us you felt safe at home

Ensuring everyone has a safe, comfortable home and environment is what we are passionate about, so still work to do, but we're on the right track!


say we treat you fairly and with respect

This is one of our values so to know we are getting this almost always right is rewarding.


feel we keep you up to date

Ensuring you have all the information you need, when you need it, is key to you feeling heard and us acting upon this.


deal with emergency repairs within agreed 24 hours

This is vitally important as we know when you're in a potentially dangerous or vulnerable situation, you need us to be there and quickly.


of our legal requirements completed and on time

We have once again ensured we do all of our compliance checks including gas, electricity, water, fire, and asbestos.

TSM highlights

The results from our first TSMs are on the whole very positive. You can read through some of our key highlights here.

You will soon be able to see how we at Your Housing Group compare to other housing providers as the RSH will be releasing a results table in the Autumn. However, we believe we are in line with many of our fellow housing associations and we feel these results are a fair reflection of where we currently are. 

We know there is still work to be done, particularly with our repairs service, but we can assure you that this is very much underway and we will share more about our service improvement plan soon.

Thank you to all 1,874 residents who completed a survey for our Tenant Perception TSMs as this allowed us to fairly and accurately report our data.